Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Luck be a Climax

I believe in luck like I believe in multiple orgasms. Sure, it can happen, but probably not frequently and not for most people. I’ve always been a nose to the grindstone, do your work and then reap what benefits, if any, there are to reap. However, I feel like I’ve had 24 hours of really just terrible luck.

First, I’m driving home last night on a road I’m not familiar with. I’m driving along and see a speed limit sign. I noticed that it had dropped from being 55 to 35 miles per hour zone. I was hitting my brakes to just slow down a bit and as soon as I did, I saw the policeman. So, that’d be a $200 ticket for me. I’d been back on the road less than 2 miles when I noticed something in the road ahead of me. I slowed down just in time to see a cute little raccoon scurrying across the road. I tried to avoid him. I didn’t. So, somewhere on Highway 460 there lies an animal that I killed. This is not something I take lightly. I don’t usually kill spiders in the house, let alone cute woodland creatures.

I made it home (hitting every red light in downtown at 1230am) and went to bed. Thankfully, nothing terribly catastrophic happened at work. But, I get home and can’t WAIT to take a shower, make myself a drink and just relax. I turn on the shower and the water isn’t hot. I turn it up a bit more, still not hot. I turn it all the way up and still cold. This is the water heater that was repaired last week. It turns out, not repaired. I usually give kudos to the landlord who is always on top of stuff. He still hasn’t returned my call.

So, I’m here. I feel kinda dirty, but I’ve made arrangements to shower at a friend’s house in the morning before work. But, I’d just like to say that if luck is gonna smack me around like this, I’d at least like some counterbalance with a multiple orgasm.

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