Friday, February 26, 2010

Reduced Today

One thing I’ve learned while on my blogging adventure is that if the words aren’t coming out easily, then I probably don’t need to try to force it.

When I sit down with an idea of a post, it usually gets typed, posted and tweeted within about 30 minutes. It’s those posts that take more effort that end up not being so good. There are few of those on here and those are usually the ones that are more rambling than informative or entertaining. So, I’ve learned that if I have to work too hard at it, it probably isn’t going to end up well.

I sat down yesterday to try to write a post about my thoughts after our Mayoral Debate. I had a whole page typed up. I hadn’t even gotten down a fraction of what I’d like to say, questions I’d like to ask or mentioned the things that I just didn’t understand. It then occurred to me that I was working pretty hard to get all of that out and it didn’t make for all that interesting reading. (reference post on brevity as well)

So, instead, I sat down today with another thought. How about I just say that I’m a complete newcomer to Lexington politics and so I’m still trying to figure people out? I’ve learned that this is a town where your history matters and so it’s taking me some time to figure out everyone’s backstory. I’ve now met just about each of the candidates, but I still don’t think I’m even close to as informed as I should be.

I know several people who do know the history and know candidates and they have a clear choice. I’d also say that even independent of them, I’m leaning the same way. However, I just feel like I’m never going to know enough. I’m never going to get all of the questions that I’d like to have answered and I’m probably never going to have the subtext filled in.

And so expect a couple of other posts here from time to time about the local election. I’ve been a political junkie for years, but I’m really just turning my attention to local politics. The bottom line is that I really care about Lexington. For whatever reason, I’ve developed an attachment to this place and really give a damn about where it’s headed and how it gets there. So bear with me while I figure it out and hopefully I won’t get too rambling.

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