Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tonight's Poem

I started several little intros to this and eventually decided to scrap them all. So without further introduction, here's a poem I wrote tonight. I don't have a title yet.

sometimes, I hear the
church chimes ring
11 minutes slow

as a kid, I waited for
the 12 o'clock whistle
to echo off an Appalachian.

everything's always been
clockwise and spinning

you spring forward
you fall back

every a.m. is a pulsing beep
and I don't wear a watch
but my phone's always on

seconds click quietly

and then it's June 9, 2010
in the year of our Lord
when it's summer
but I'm still
feeling deciduous
while all those beeps
chimes and whistles
are silent.

and I realize that
I don't know the name
on my own business card

there's always been a
game of freeze tag
a tv game show
a class
a job
to get to

and even with only
memories of reminders
I fold the laundry
and talk about dinner

but sometimes, I hear the
church chimes ring
11 minutes slow

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